The little story:
Although they seem to have been trendy for a short time, mocktails are actually quite old. In fact, the first boom in non-alcoholic cocktails dates back to Prohibition in the United States. During this period when alcohol was banned, some bars and restaurants offered fruit juice and tea mixes on their menu. However, this trend quickly stopped as soon as Prohibition ended.
Alongside the detox trend, mocktails made a comeback in bars in Europe in the 2000s.
Here, we offer you an exotic mocktail, ideal for cooling off in the sun!
Ingrédients :
-2cl de Jus de citron vert frais
-4cl de Jus de mangue
-4cl de Jus de fruit de la passion
-4cl de Thé
-2cl de Sirop d'agave
Verre :
Méthode :
Au shaker
Réalisation :
Versez tous les ingrédients dans un shaker rempli de glace.
Frappez, puis servez.
Décoration :
Une tranche de citron
Un bâton de cannelle